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This curriculum is taught by a licensed instructor and meets the Massachusetts safety certification requirements for Class “A” Licenses to Carry and Firearm Identification cards. Topics covered include: Safety handling procedures, Firearms safety rules, License types, applications and processes, Concealed carry, Vehicle transportation and storage, Massachusetts and federal firearms laws, Ammunition parts and their functions, Gun cleaning and the fundamentals of pistol shooting. Upon successful completion of this course you will be issued a certificate to apply for your Massachusetts Licence to Carry Class "A" or FID card.




Utah permit Information 


The Utah permit allows your to carry a concealed firearm in 30 other states. Students will get 2 sets of fingerprint cards, CD of the Utah guns laws & codes, and a signed & stamped application. 


You’ll need to get on your own a photocopy of your drivers license and a passport photo. AAA does them if you’re a member. The Post Office, CVS, etc, so them for about $15.    


Topics covered:

Handgun safety 

Concealers carry methods 

Lethal Force for Citizens

Utah Laws and Codes 


The Utah permit is currently $63.25 and valid for five years. The course is $100. 


The balance can be made at the class in cash or check.


If you have any questions, please call me at



Thank you,

JJ Murray & Charlie Cook

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